Get Ready For Neo
AKA "Neo"
(Colt Di Perlanera x Get Ready for Honey)
Champion of Serbia
Hips B, Elbows 0 - FCI
OFA Normal Eyes (2021, 2025)
OFA Normal Thyroid (2021, 2022)
OFA Echo and 24 hour holter - no signs of DCM (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Kidney and Liver panel normal (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
DNA All Clear (0 copies of DCM1, DCM2, DM, DINGS, VWD)

Desire's Finger on the Trigger
AKA "Geissele"
(CH ILay Del Nasi x CH Get Ready for Ruffian)
Geissele is an upcoming stud we have a lot of hope for. He is eager to please, super smart, active, and has medium to high drive and is always up for a game so if you don't find one he will create his own. As I type this he is still a puppy (11 months) so he has a long way to go towards growing up. With 11 years projected pedigree longevity we are excited for what he can add to our program.
VWD Carrier
DCM 1, 2, 3, 4 Clear
DM and DINGS Clear

Desire's Resident Evil
AKA "Tyrant"
( Baxter Medico Haus x Marina Medico Haus)
Tyrant is another up and coming hopeful stud! Super confident and eager to please. Nice type and temperament - now to spend the next couple of years waiting and watching!