Pride of Russia Velora
AKA "Velora"
(Quiz von Schwarze Kraft x Pride of Russia Shelma)
IABCA Jr International and National Champion
UKC Champion
DNA Homozygous DCM1
OFA Good Hips, normal Elbows
OFA Normal Eyes (2021)
OFA Normal Thyroid (2021) (June 2022)
OFA Echo and 24 Hour Holter - no signs of DCM (2021) (July 2022)
Kidney and liver panel Normal (2021) (June 2022)
Sadly we lost Velora to bloat, but we were able to keep her daughter for our program!

Desire's Don't Doubt My Loyalty
AKA "Loyalty"
DNA Hetrozygous DCM2
OFA Normal Eyes (2021, 2022)
OFA Normal Thyroid (2021, 2022)
OFA Echo and 24 Hour Holter - no signs of DCM (2021, 2022)
Kidney and Liver panel Normal (2021, 2022)
OFA Normal elbows
PennHip .45/.40
Loyalty has been retired to a wonderful pet home!

A Queen is Born by Calliana
AKA "Astrid"
(Dalgo Di Perlanera x Get to the Point Calliope)
CH of the Mediterranean
CH of Bulgaria
Grand CH of Montenegro
IABCA International CH
Excellent Hips
DNA All Clear
Echo and 24 hour holter no signs of DCM (September 2021, June 2022)
OFA Eyes Normal (October 2021)
OFA Thyroid Normal (September 2021, June 2022)
Astrid has been retired but she will live out her hopefully long life with us.

Pride of Russia Chernaya Noch
AKA "Onyx"
(Pride of Russia Chongar x Pride of Russia Feeria)
DNA All Clear
OFA Normal Thyroid (2022)
OFA Echo no signs of DCM (2022)
PennHip Normal hips
"Onyx" is an amazing young girl that never stops amazing us. We have high hopes for her as she continues to grow and mature.
Onyx has move to another breeder to open their lines and add temperament and type to their program. We were able to keep a gorgeous female from her in a wonderful co-own home.

Pantara Nata Vincere
AKA Pantera
(Jeff Di Perlanera x Blenda Baha Nata Vincere)
HD A (excellent hips)
DNA DCM 1&2, VWD clear
2023 Echo Normal
2024 Holter Normal
Pantera is a gorgeous girl who really really likes to work. She has moved on to another breeder that is focused on working lines. We will be getting a puppy back from her in the future - we have high hopes she will produce a great stud dog for us. We did keep a gorgeous girl from her. The future looks good!

Winterfell's Queen of Hoffman House
AKA "Winter"
Destiny's Phoenix Nadal x Leia Of Hoffman House
DNA DCM 1&2, DM, DINGS, VWD clear
2021, 2022, 2024 Echo Normal
2023, 2024 Holter Normal
Winter is a super eager to please girl who lives with a great friend of the family and military vet. She has earned her place as his service dog and we are truly proud of her. She has produced multiple champion puppies with amazing temperaments. She has been retired to her guardian for the remainder of her hopefully long life.

UKC CH Perseus By Calliana CGCA CGCU BCAT
AKA "Perseus"
(Krypton by Calliana x Winterfell's Queen of Hoffman House)
DNA All Clear
PennHip Excellent hips
OFA Normal Thyroid (2022)
OFA Echo no signs of DCM (2022)

Get Ready for Ruffian
AKA "Ruffy"
(Kairos de Grande Vinko x Get Ready for Perfection)
CH of Serbia
CH of Bosnian Federation
CH of Macedonia
CH of Bosnia-Herzegovina
HD B (Good Hips
Elbows 0 (Normal Elbows)
DCM 1&2 Clear
VWD Carrier
2023, 2024 Holter Normal
2023, 2024 Echo Normal
Ruffian is a sweet gentle girl. She LOVES her ball...as in the ball is life and life is the ball. She isn't overly hyper but she is always up for a good run - especially if chasing a ball is involved. Did we mention she loves her ball? She has moved on from our program but we were able to keep an amazing son from her!